I get that it may have been a bit cold in the stable. I get that. But I’m not sure that the under-butt flame is a big improvement.
I get that it may have been a bit cold in the stable. I get that. But I’m not sure that the under-butt flame is a big improvement.
OMG, the last nativity had Corpse Baby Jesus. Now, this nativity has Roasted Baby Jesus. The horror! The horror!
Under the butt flames can be dangerous, especially if you had a bean heavy supper. Unless little JC is going do do the Fantastic Four thing, and Flame On!!!!
Burn, baby, burn…disco inferno!
Or as Paris H. would say, “That’s HOT!”
Hmmm, Joseph and Mary look mighty young to be parents.
Ok, first of all, they’re in a stable, nu? Anyone ever smelled burning cow and sheep poo? Ew.
Second of all, burning baby poo smells even worse. Don’t ask how I know, just take my word for it.
Mary Sue, how on earth would you know that… er, never mind.
Is this a scented candle? Or do I even want to know?
That’s wicked!